We start at the end in embodiment coaching

One thing that surprises many when they come to me for embodiment and especially embodied purpose/vision coaching is that we start at the end.

Starting at the end means that we tune into your embodied purpose and vision from a felt sense perspective.

But how does that work, Katharina?

I do not even know my vision?

How am I supposed to feel it?

I get it.

The idea of feeling a vision before it is clear to the mind can be a confusing one.

Well… let’s face it: it is confusing to the mind. And not necessarily to all parts of your being.

Cause the mind has ideas, shoulds, coulds, but what ifs and so on.

And hand on your heart: don’t they often get in the way of what you truly desire?

So if you long for a change in your life and live a life of purpose…

if you desire to follow a vision that has been waiting for you to be seen…

if you know there is certain path meant for you – and you just haven’t had the inner mmmpphh to follow it…

… then it may be time to listen to another (inner) voice than the mind.

And this is where the body comes in.

Cause your body knows.

Deep down you know your way forward.

The more you build the capacity to listen inward, the easier it will get clear to you.

Deep down in your cells you know what a fulfilled, joyous and purposeful life is for you.

It is time to change perspective and listen to that inner voice!

And that is exactly where I support you:

To find access to that inner voice

to allow it to speak

and to gain the confidence to follow it.

This is how we start “at the end”.

This is how we build an Embodied North Star.

Do you know your purpose and vision? Or do you intuit a vision that has not fully expressed itself yet? Let us know in the comments below!

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