My name is Katharina Alevia (Alevia – soul name).
I am the founder of The Embodied Path, an umbrella brand serving awakening embodied beings to recognize their soul’s purpose and show up in service of sentient beings, mother Earth and the evolutionary purpose.
To me, soul purpose means to be in deep connection with the essence of your soul and your work during this lifetime. In my own journey, the most powerful gateway to my soul’s essence and her expression in the world has been the magic of embodiment practice and deep listening to my body’s wisdom.
I grew up between the world of business and spirituality. My father was a business man, I have 2 business degrees and a background in HR consulting. My mother has been a spiritual being as long as I can remember. Growing up with these two perspectives on life has colored my being tremendously and they are at the core of who I am today and what I offer to the world.
In 2017, I left a prestigious PhD program and turned 180 degrees to follow my spiritual calling to study Yoga, tantra, Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism… It was a huge step and probably the moment I left a pretty neat “CV-worthy” life behind. I’ve never looked back.
After years of studying with different lineages, life led me to embodiment. And oh my, I will never forget the quantum leap I went through when I experienced what I had learnt from all the spiritual teachers IN MY OWN BODY! Not beyond my body, not in my mind only, not as a fleeting state; the somatic experience was revolutionary to my life and a landing with what has been my biggest passion ever since.
Ever since, I’ve studied numerous modalities in the field. My spiritual home is with the somatic lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Today, it is my joy to support beings to remove the veils, create the strategic foundations and grow their soul purpose work. My approach combines business strategy with embodiment, the feminine and masculine, the yin and the yang.
Are you ready to claim your soul’s calling in this lifetime?
Are you ready to look at any patterns that may be integrated along the way?
Are you ready to step into your calling in this lifetime?
If you have a clear YES to these questions – awesome! Very warm welcome to The Embodied Path!
If you have a “maybe” to these questions – just as perfect! It is normal that the inner critic kicks in and we just do not feel as certain. Let me guide you to your own body wisdom to find that clear YES for yourself.
Check out my offerings and step with us on the Path!
School of Embodied Arts
(Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification)
Jenna Ward
Smart Body Smart Mind
(Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Practice and Feldenkrais)
Irene Lyon
Embodied Intimacy Training
Buster Rådvik, Rachel Rickards
Embodied Flow™
(Flow Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Kashmir Shaivaism)
Tara Judelle, Scott Lyons
Embodied Yin™
(Yin Yoga, Body-Mind Centering)
Satu Tuomela
Hridaya Yoga and Meditation
(600 hrs teacher training)
Sahajananda, Antoaneta & the Hridaya family
Dharma Ocean
(Somatic Meditation, Somatic Descent)
Reggie Ray
Realization Process
(Embodied Awakening and Healing)
Judith Blackstone
Highden Mystery School
(Temple Training)
Winter Jade Icely & Bruce Lyon
The Embodied Presence Process
Philipp Shepherd
Authentic Relating & Circling
ART, Damien Bohler, Circling Europe
Higher We and Emerge Dialogue
Elizabeth Debold, Thomas Steininger
Personal Development School
(Attachment Styles and Subconscious Re-Programming)
Thais Gibson
Apart from these amazing people and teachers, my work has been highly influenced by:
Ken Wilber & the integral community, Adyashanti, Ramana Maharshi, Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen, Gabor Maté, Peter Levine, Daniel Siegel, Tanis Fishman, Sarah Blondin… and many more.
Woman * Spirit in a body * Bhakti * Tantrika * forest worshipper * animal lover * ISFP * virgo sun, sagittarius moon * HD manifesting generator with emotional authority * 2 academic degrees and an unfinished PhD * integral theory fan * 600 hrs certified Yoga and meditation teacher * mystic at heart * Kombucha addict * Human!