Embody Your Creative Flow

Unlock your unique creative flow through your body’s wisdom so you can generate (content) ideas that authentically communicate your gifts and offers.

Embody Your

Creative Flow

Unlock your unique creative flow through your body’s wisdom so you can generate (content) ideas that authentically communicate your gifts and offers.

You have big plans with your gifts.

You want step out there and offer your services for the healing and transformation of others. 
You know this is your path.
And you want to express yourself as authentically as possible.
You want YOUR ideas to be at the core and not the prescribed structures of others.
You desire to transmit YOUR essence of creativity in your communication.  

Dear one, relax your mind for a moment and tune in with me:

✨ Can you tune back into a moment when something just clicked? That aaahhhh that’s it moment! Your heart beating faster as the world appeared in a different light and it all just made so much more sense. Your entire body tingling, excitement rising to share the insight with the world…

✨ Can you remember a time where your mind and senses widened and what felt stuck a moment ago melted into a broader field of possibilities? Your body relaxed, a deep exhale and you felt a spark of inspiration for your next step on your journey…

✨ Can you recall a time where you had tried so hard to come up with an idea and nothing would arise? To then have that insight the moment you had almost forgotten about it? Your body dropping into now, a landing and just a YES left…

These are all moments of insight, of creative spark, and nothing but the creative life force flowing through you. 

These moments invite you to expand into a new more elevated way of you as much as to bring your message out there for the benefit of others and this planet.

Moments of insight and clarity provide meaning and purpose, joy and happiness. Some even say they are the reason we were born into this life.

Experiencing such moments of insight does not have to be a coincidence. They are accessible through your body at any time – if you know what favors your embodied creative flow.  

For a long time, unlocking my creativity felt like effort to me. Complicated mindmaps and story-telling techniques felt like chewing gum in my system instead of sparking the joy I was so much longing for. 
Luckily it shifted when I came to embodiment. All of a sudden, ideas came with ease and when I was in as state of either ecstatic movement or deep bodily rest. There was a way that felt effortless and juicy in my body.
I realized the powerful connection between the state of my body and insights flowing in. Today I am proud that I know what serves my embodied flow the most so idea creation is not at the mercy of coincidences. 
And I can’t wait to share with you how you can unlock your embodied creative flow! 

Embody Your

Creative Flow

an online self-paced course
In this course you will
🦋  UNDERSTAND how your body and nervous system are in support of or hinder the creative spark so you can choose the conditions that bring you into flow on a daily basis. 
🦋  FEEL how creativity expresses itself in your body so you know what to come back to over and over again. 
🦋  LEARN various ways to turn your body into a fruitful vessel for creative impulses so you can choose what works best for your unique constitution. 
🦋  EXPERIMENT with a few tools right on the spots and and gain a win on creating your first ideas on communicating your gift and offer out there in the world. 

Here is what’s included:

✓  2 pre-recorded workshops of appr. 1 hour each
✓  Embodied creativity practice(s) to do anytime and as often as you want
Playlist for personal practice
Pre-recorded guided Yoga practice to activate your creative centers in the body 


Anytime at your own pace

How much?


The course really helped me realize the impact of embodiment and movement practices on my focus and energy, and how I actively can influence them, rather than waiting for the right circumstances to happen. I love the Move & Tell practice - so helpful for me when I feel stuck in my creative process. Now if I „have“ to be creative I remind myself that I have to get in my body first. Yes, it takes practice and yes, it works!

– Anne, Germany

I really loved the holistic nature of this course! It weaves a variety of embodiment practices, nervous system theory and practical tips. I feel highly inspired and am looking forward to integrate the practices into my workflow!

– Dana, Germany

This course was both practical and informative. Katharina's approach merges sharing theoretic explanations and then bringing it into practice through various embodied exercises and practices. As someone who deeply understands the power of integrating mind-body, I loved the course. It supported me to tap into my creative potential and find the source of my expression in my body, rather than just my mind. Katharina is a fantastic facilitator and I would highly recommend this online course to anyone looking to improve their creativity and bring it into practice.

– Marina, Spain

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This course is particularly directed towards rising solopreneurs such as new coaches, healers and facilitators who long to learn embodied creative tools as a mean to communicate their offer to the world. 

However, the course is open to anyone who desires to explore the creative potential that lives right here in their bodies.

What is the time investment?

The minimum are 2 hours for the workshop recordings and about 45 minutes for the practices. Afterwards it depends on your personal dedication and how often you repeat the practices.

What is the financial investment?

111 € during launch period (use coupon CREATIVEFLOW upon checkout). Afterwards the price will go up to 249 €. 

Do I need to have experience with embodiment?

Ideally yes as it will be easier for you to tune into some of the practices. It is not mandatory though. Join in and learn as you go! 


I simply need some strategies to get started with my creativity. Is this the place?

Nope this program is so much more than some simple tools for creativity. If that’s all you’re after this is not the program for you. 


I have more questions.

Sure! Send me a message on Instagram (@theembodiedpath) or shoot an email via the email button at the end of this page! 

Meet your Embody your Creative Flow guide Katharina Alevia

Katharina is an embodiment and embodied business coach for rising coachers, healers and facilitators who long to bring their offer with embodied authenticity into the world.

Katharina has a background in business studies, academia and consulting. However, her spiritual calling led her to take a 180 degree turn in 2016 and travel the world to practice with spiritual teachers of various lineages, complete a Yoga & meditation teacher training and live in spiritual communities.

It was not until her journey led her back to her own body that it all came together; the material & immaterial, the relative & the absolute, Yin & Yang and feminine & masculine of life. As soon as she felt and experienced the wisdom of the body, there was no way back.

Today, her calling is to contribute to a more embodied world where people live their purpose in an embodied way.

Katharina has built a business on the principles of living an embodied life. She combines embodiment practices with tailored (business) approaches to the unique expression of each individual. And she advocates a healthy balance of masculine structure and feminine flow energy.

Katharina lives in Berlin whenever she is not travelling the world. She is an ecstatic dance enthusiast, Yogini at heart, forest worshipper and deep rest advocate.

Embody Your Creative Flow

An online course at your own pace to unlock your unique creative flow through your body’s wisdom so you can generate content ideas that authentically communicate your gifts and offers.