Embodiment Coaching

Take a moment right here and let your eyes wander off the screen. Look around in your environment with soft eyes, rotate your neck and head, become aware of some shapes and colours close to you. 20 seconds – go ahead!

Once your eyes are back on the screen, become aware of your breath as you are reading. Is it peaceful, shallow, short or deep? Now, take a deep inhale, maybe a sigh with exhale, and allow your breath to find its most natural and most nourishing way to flow.

From here take a second and notice the surface your body is in touch with. The chair underneath your butt, the surface you are leaning against and not to forget: the floor or surface underneath your feet. How are your feet feeling as they touch it?

Then one more time: let your gaze wander around your environment and – if you can – notice your breath and the surfaces you are in touch with at the same time. 20 seconds one more time – off you go!

How did it go? Was it easy, difficult, boring, exciting?

You just did a few very simple embodied orienting and sensing practices. Yes, it can be as simple as that! But let’s be honest: were you aware of these things before you started reading? You be the judge.

The reality is: most of us aren’t. Our upbringing, our society, our economic system simply does not teach or encourage these things.

What is embodiment coaching?

Embodiment coaching is the container in which we guide you back to your embodied knowing. Through simple exercises as the example above to increase body, sensory and somatic awareness. And we will also go deeper all the way to unlock your body’s truth and wisdom.

If you long to get clarity on your calling in life, if you have a big decision to take, if you need to find inner confidence to get things going, if you feel that an old pattern needs to be released, if you desire your spiritual journey to be  integrated with daily life – embodiment coaching can support you in all of these quests!

Reach out today and book a call where we can see whether and in which ways embodiment coaching can be of service to you!


It is my greatest joy to see my clients step into their own embodied power. To witness them once they discover the magic that lies within them. To support them in discovering the felt experience of their best version of themselves. And to be on their side when challenges occur, side-tracking happens and a redirection back to the inner wisdom is needed.

Show up as you are and we will discover together. I don’t impose, I don’t preach, I don’t have a one-fits-all solution. I do however have tools (many!) for your embodied somatic healing and empowerment. That said though, your body wisdom is unique and I will make sure to use only the tools needed for your individual situation.

Embodiment coaching applies to many – if not all – areas in life. I have chosen to focus on helping you with your purpose and calling in life (embodied purpose), letting go of old patterns by rewiring the nervous system (embodied healing) and supporting your integration on the spiritual path (embodied awakening).